Perth Young Carers

Young Carers are children aged between 5 and 18 years old who have caring responsibilities at home.

Published 5th Feb 2014
Last updated 2nd Feb 2017

Raymond Jamieson, Young Carers Project Co-ordinator, says:

“Young Carers are children aged between 5 and 18 years old who have caring responsibilities at home that you would usually associate with an adult. Young Carers have to help care for a parent or siblings who suffer from mental health issues, physical disabilities or, in the case of parents, drug or alcohol misuse."

"Perth Young Carers project supports young carers as young as 5 years old all the way through to 18 years of age. Support is offered at the project through three weekly respite groups, day activities during the school holidays, residential trips away for 4/5 days during the summer holidays as well as a lot of one to one support sessions too."

"Cash for Kids has been a god send to this project over the past 7 years. Not only have they provided funding each year that allows the project to continue with the support mentioned above they also have provided presents each Christmas that we have then given out to the young carers at our Christmas Party."

"Tay FM’s Cash for Kids has been one of the longest and most consistent supporters of this project. It is fair to say that without their support this project couldn’t have delivered all that it has in the past 7 years. On behalf of everyone involved, but most importantly the 300 young carers supported, I would like to say a massive thank you for all that you have done for this project. I only wish there were more like you.”

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