Calls For More Female Business Leaders

The First Minister has said she wants to see more female business leaders as she marks International Women's Day today.

Published 7th Mar 2015

The First Minister has said she wants to see more female business leaders as she marks International Women's Day today.

Nicola Sturgeon insisted that getting more women into leading roles in business would help drive economic growth in Scotland.

Recent figures show a fifth of small and medium-sized enterprise employers in Scotland last year were majority-led by women, compared to 52% being majority-led by men.

Ms Sturgeon's comments come as events are held all over the world to celebrate International Women's Day.

She said: Scotland's economy has more than bounced back from the recession and is performing well, but we can always do more.

The new government economic strategy will drive this growth and sets out a range of policies which will make a difference. These include an agenda for fair work, the Scottish Business Pledge, support for the living wage and gender balance on corporate boards.

I also want to see more women getting into leadership roles in business and break through that glass ceiling.

Rates of female business ownership in Scotland are persistently lower than in other developed countries. It's one reason why the Scottish Government has supported an action framework for women in enterprise - the only one of its kind in the European Union, and a priority area within the Scotland CAN DO innovation and entrepreneurship framework.

If as many businesses in Scotland were owned by women as are currently owned by men, it could boost our GDP by as much as 5%.''

She was speaking while on a visit to Wonky Woolies - a Glasgow-based bespoke bobble hat maker founded and owned by Alison Burn.

The company, set up in 2012, has increased turnover by 35% each year to date and now exports to America, Japan and Europe.

Ms Sturgeon said: Alison and Wonky Woolies is a perfect example of the success women can have.

The theme for this year's International Women's Day is Make It Happen, and Alison has done just that. She was taught to knit by her mother, saw a gap in the market and put her skills to good use - she's now looking to expand and grow her business. She is a role model for other women who harbour a dream to have their own business and be their own boss.''

Ms Burn said: It takes a lot of energy and drive but there are sources of support available through government initiatives. I would encourage anyone thinking of starting a business to get in touch with a local networking group, they provide a welcome audience for discussion which can help you gain the courage to take the next step.''

Leader of the Scottish Liberal Democrats Willie Rennie also set out his party's ambitions to create equality of opportunity.

Speaking to members in Fife to mark International Women's Day, he said: Liberals across the world are driven by an ambition to see a fairer, more equal society. The bedrock of which must be equality of opportunity.

The persistent inequality between genders must be addressed by tackling gender stereotypes, boosting childcare and ensuring equal representation in our boardrooms. Liberal Democrats want to make this happen.''