SPFL dismisses claims clubs were left in dark about League Cup changes

The Scottish Professional Football League has dismissed claims it rushed through radical changes to the Scottish League Cup.

Published 9th Dec 2015

The Scottish Professional Football League has dismissed claims it rushed through radical changes to the Scottish League Cup.

Hampden chiefs announced on Monday they were giving the tournament a major facelift, with a summer group stage and bonus-point shoot-outs for drawn matches among their innovative alterations.

But Hearts chairwoman Ann Budge and Les Hutchison, who owns Motherwell, have both claimed they were given little time to consider the revamp.

Budge welcomes change but said: "I would liked to have known a little bit more about them before they were publicly announced.

"I've had no longer to study them than you have. They were all things that were mooted before, but in terms of a total package being put together it wasn't something most of us were aware of.

"So I haven't had a chance to examine whether I think it's the right way forward."

Hutchison also has reservations about plans to introduce a winter break off the back of the League Cup overhaul, saying: "The majority of clubs are run on very tight budgets and need time to review the financial impact of such significant changes."

However, the SPFL responded to both club bosses, insisting they were fully briefed.

A spokesman for the SPFL said: "All 42 SPFL clubs involved received full details of the final announcement in advance. Specifically, three officials at Heart of Midlothian FC as well as two from Motherwell FC received emails at 2pm, and again at 4pm, on Monday 7 December 2015, seven and a half hours ahead of the announcement being made public.

"Furthermore it's worth noting that both Heart of Midlothian and Motherwell approved the BT broadcasting deal by written resolution at a meeting of the Premiership clubs on 10 September 2015, which made specific reference to the hroup stage for the League Cup (with the exception of the bonus point, which was debated and approved by the competitions working group and the SPFL board). This subject was widely trailed at general meetings where both Heart of Midlothian and Motherwell were present, over the past year.

"Consultation with member clubs on a possible new format for the Scottish League Cup began as early as 21 October 2014 when, during a general meeting of all 42 clubs at Hampden, we announced that this topic would be explored by a competitions working group made up from representatives of member clubs, including Motherwell. Heart of Midlothian and Motherwell were both represented at this meeting.

"At subsequent general meetings held on both 19 January 2015 and 23 April 2015, each attended by Heart of Midlothian and Motherwell, all 42 clubs were again fully consulted on the considerations and recommendations of the working group, including a possible new July group-stage format and potential broadcaster interest in this.

"Then, at our annual general meeting on 20 July 2015, attended by both Heart of Midlothian and Motherwell, all clubs were again reminded and consulted on the discussions taking place on a possible new format for the Scottish League Cup and broadcast interest.

"Finally, at our general meeting on 5 October 2015, at which both Heart of Midlothian and Motherwell were again present, all clubs were given a detailed update on intentions for the Scottish League Cup for next season onwards.

"We have received an overwhelmingly positive response to yesterday's announcement from the vast majority of clubs, as well as many supporters, partners and the media, and look forward to continuing to work together for the collective good of Scottish football."