Mother of five jailed for benefit fraud

A MOTHER-of-five was today jailed after welfare bosses uncovered her £55,000 benefit fraud scam through her Facebook page.

Published 11th Oct 2016

A MOTHER-of-five was today jailed after welfare bosses uncovered her £55,000 benefit fraud scam through her Facebook page.

Helen Habblett claimed to be living as a single mum having split from her husband in 2009.

She had indeed split with him - but they got back together a year later, with him living with her and pulling in a full-time wage.

A probe was launched after a confidential tip-off - with social media profiles, bank records and even covert surveillance confirming they were living together.

Habblett lied to the Department for Work and Pensions and HMRC claiming she was still a single mum - raking in £48,792.75 in tax credits and £7,603.50 in income support.

Dundee Sheriff Court was told that the £48,792.75 will never be recovered by the taxpayer because of a DWP admin error that means they can't chase it up.

Habblett, 51, of Bellisle Drive, Dundee, pleaded guilty on indictment to charges under the Tax Credits Act and Social Security Administration Act committed between September 2010 and July 2014.

Fiscal depute Eilidh Robertson told Dundee Sheriff Court: "She claimed child and working tax credits in 2003 and in 2009 informed HMRC that she had separated from her husband and was living solely with her children.

"In 2011 and 2013 she confirmed there were no changes.

"She claimed for income support in 2009 and again stated she was living only with her children.

"She attended JobCentre on a fortnightly basis in this period and signed a form stating there were no changes.

"As a result of confidential information that she had rekindled her relationship with her husband and that they were co-habiting an investigation was started.

"Examination of bank records, employment records, Facebook prifles and car insurance applications applications suggested she was in fact co-habiting with him.

"Interviews with neighbours and surveillance further suggested they were living together.

"The husband was interviewed in 2013 and initially maintained that they were separated but when presented with the evidence he conceded they had reconciled in 2010.

"She was then interviewed in January 2014 and maintained she was not in a relationship with him but that he had been staying with her five nights a week.

"He was at the time employed with various construction companies."

Defence solicitor Anne Duffy said: "This started off as ignorance and just continued on.

"They had a volatile relationship and little stability.

"This case has galvanised them and they are living with the children together now."

Sheriff Alastair Carmichael jailed Habblett for eight months, reduced from 12 for her early guilty plea.

He said: "Given the amount of benefit involved I've come to the conclusion that only a custodial sentence is appropriate."