LISTEN: Killiecrankie Battle relics discovered during A9 works

A metal detecting survey on the site of the Battle of Killiecrankie has unearthed dozens of items linked to the famous 1689 skirmish.

Published 3rd Mar 2016

A metal detecting survey on the site of the Battle of Killiecrankie has unearthed dozens of items linked to the famous 1689 skirmish.

It's part of the ongoing work to dual the A9.

The artefacts include a copper alloy pendant, a harness boss, two buckles, part of the support for a sword belt, horse shoes, buttons, and musket munitions.

While the survey is providing information for developing plans to dual the A9 between Killiecrankie and Pitagowan, it is also improving knowledge of Scotland’s military history of the 1689 battle between the Jacobite army and Government forces.

Transport Minister Derek Mackay unveiled some of the finds to pupils at Pitlochry High School today.

He spoke to our political correspondent Alan Smith:

“Our work to dual the A9 will bring undoubted improvements for road users and will allow us to refine our road designs for the future, but has also opened a window into Scotland’s past.

“Thanks to the survey work, experts are shedding more light on the Battle of Killiecrankie which took place over three hundred years ago, bringing “Bonnie Dundee’s” Jacobite victory to life. They are able to offer more information on the battle including the possible route soldiers took during the battle, potential cavalry positions, where the key skirmishes and close quarters fighting took place, and the likely retreating route taken by the fleeing Government forces. “I’m delighted pupils here at Pitlochry High School, one of our Academy9 schools, have been given the chance to see the artefacts up close. While the finds are providing more evidence for experts to refine this chapter in Scottish military history, as well as help develop our essential work to dual the A9 - it is also proving invaluable in bringing some of Scotland’s rich history to new younger audiences. Mr Mackay added: “In addition, the design work across the dualling programme is progressing well and next week locals and road users will get the chance to view the preferred routes for three of the sections to be dualled – Killiecrankie to Pitagowan, Pitagowan to Glen Garry and Dalwhinnie to Crubenmore. “With construction of the section between Kincraig and Dalraddy well underway, this Government remains committed to delivering the improvements to this vital route linking central Scotland with the Highlands and Islands.”

Warren Bailie, Project Manager at GUARD Archaeology Limited who carried out the metal detecting survey said:

”The recent metal detecting survey on the Killiecrankie Battlefield, one of the best preserved battlefields in Scotland, has revealed exciting new evidence to back up the earlier findings of archaeological work carried out in 2003 as part of the well-known TV programme 'Two men in a Trench'.

“We and our partners involved in the survey have enjoyed working on such an iconic, nationally significant battlefield site and playing a part in helping improve our understanding of this important event in Scotland’s past.”