Iconic 'Knife Angel' statue set to come to Stoke-on-Trent

The statue is made of over 100,000 different knives

Knife Angel
Author: Rory GannonPublished 24th Feb 2022

Stoke-on-Trent is to host an iconic art piece made of knives in order to highlight the issue of knife crime in the city.

The so-called 'Knife Angel' is an astonishing 27-foot tall statue made up of 100,000 knives and blades confiscated by police forces across the country.

Art lovers will be able to look at the art piece at Smithfield in the city centre throughout April as the piece - which forms the national monument against knife crime - visits as part of a national tour.

Whilst the 'Angel' is staying in Stoke-on-Trent, educative sessions will be put on to raise awareness of knife crime and how to prevent blades being taken onto the streets.

The 'Knife Angel', which towers above at 27-feet tall.

In addition to this, a knife amnesty will be held which will allow people to throw away potentially dangerous weapons in a 'surrender' secure bin, which will be organised by Staffordshire Police.

Stoke-on-Trent City Council's cabinet member for leisure, culture and public health, Councillor Lorraine Beardmore, spoke of her joy to welcome the iconic statue to the city.

"We’re really excited to be bringing the Knife Angel to Stoke-on-Trent. It is an important opportunity to continue work to highlight the devastating impact that knife crime can have, and to educate people young and old across the city," she said.

“It is a really poignant piece of art work and adds to the diversity of the cultural landscape on offer here in Stoke-on-Trent.

“Throughout April, as well as having the Knife Angel on display, we will also have a number of engagement activities happening in schools across the city.

“I hope that people from all across the region will come and visit this striking sculpture, and that by having it here, that it can support work to make our streets safer."

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