No sanctions for Stone pub linked with 22 Covid-19 cases

Footage emerged of a packed beer garden at The Crown and Anchor earlier this year

Author: Luke WilsonPublished 17th Dec 2020

Bosses of a Stone pub linked to 22 Covid-19 cases in the summer did not expect so many revellers to jump over the fence to get into the beer garden, a licensing panel has been told.

Footage of the crowded outdoor area at the Crown and Anchor in July was shared on social media and reported by news outlets around the world – and a number of people who attended the Station Road venue that weekend later tested positive for coronavirus.

The incident led to a drop in footfall and sales for the town’s other businesses, town, borough and county councillor Jill Hood told a Stafford Borough Council licensing sub-committee hearing on Tuesday.

Stone Town Council called for the authority to review the Crown and Anchor’s premises licence because of public safety concerns.

But the venue will not face any sanctions or changes to its licence, the licensing panel ruled, although bosses have been urged to improve their security measures.

It was considered that they had learned lessons from the incident and were unlikely to allow it to happen again.

Custodio Pinto, who was on duty that evening, said that Covid secure measures had been put in place at the pub, such as extra door staff and a reduction in the maximum number of customers. But staff had been “overwhelmed” by the level of demand on the warm July evening.

Councillor Hood, speaking at Tuesday’s hearing, said:

“There was a total and reckless disregard of life and Government requirements to prevent the spread of Covid-19. My first reaction was anger, then concern for residents and visitors from outside the area. What followed was a loss of confidence in the town and businesses suffered.

“Everyone in Stone knows how popular the venue is for young people. You didn’t need a crystal ball to predict what would happen.

“I have personally known the Pinto family for many years – they are kind, generous and extremely hard-working. I am sure they regret what happened and would strive to follow all licensing guidance in the future.”

The hearing was told that there had been no issues experienced during a soft reopening earlier in the month, following the lifting of national restrictions on pubs and restaurants, and another venue, Stafford’s Casa, had not been overrun with demand when it had welcomed back customers.

Laura Nash, who represented the Pintos on Tuesday, said:

“It seems like there has been a false reassurance for the Pintos. We have to recognise that Casa and the Crown and Anchor have different layouts.

“I would like to step back from assumptions of disregard for Covid compliance and an opportunity to recoup losses from closure and the pandemic. There was guidance and signage for social distancing, there was training on hygiene and PPE (personal protective equipment) and additional door staff had been recruited, as well as non-mandatory use of track and trace at that point.

“There were provisions in place to try and avoid this type of situation but it just wasn’t envisaged that that people would jump the fence to get into the late night venue. The Pintos accept that it should have been anticipated and there were safeguards that should have been put in place.

“There has been a widespread review by the Pintos of the adequacy of their arrangements and a further reduction in the number of people who enter the beer garden.”

Mr Pinto said security had been increased at the venue, including two people on the garden gate at all times when it was open. Anyone found to be climbing over the fence would be escorted out, he added.

The Crown and Anchor is currently shut as part of the requirements for all pubs and restaurants to close in Staffordshire – except for takeaways and deliveries – under Tier 3 conditions.

In a statement to the licensing committee Mr Pinto said:

“We are the only late night venue in the town meaning once the other venues close a large numbe of their customers come to our venue. We opened on the 10th July without issue but unfortunately there was an incident the following week on 18th July.

“Unfortunately, when the other venues closed, word spread that we were open and a large number of customers made their way to our venue. We had reached our capacity and doormen had stopped allowing new admissions.

“However, customers were climbing and jumping over the fence surrounding the venue and socialising in the beer garden. I believe there were approximately 200 customers on the premises but most of them were located in the garden as it was a hot July evening. As such, we took the decision to close early at 1.30/2am as opposed to 3am as allowed by our licence.

“I can only apologise for not anticipating the level of demand being as high as it was; staff and doormen were simply overwhelmed and cannot be blamed for the incident. Once this number of customers had gained entry to the beer garden, legitimately and illegitimately, it was a difficult situation to resolve.

“I had concerns that attempting to eject large number of customers could cause public order issues. These individuals had been locked down for some months and I was concerned that there would be problems with some if we ejected them.

“As a business we thought we had covered all eventualities but we did not anticipate the number of customers who would jump the fences to gain access. We accept this was a failing and have learned from it. We believe, like most businesses during the pandemic, we are having to do the best we can in very difficult and challenging circumstances.”

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