Newcastle's old library to be given a new lease of life

It's also going to have an underground car park

Former library site on Ironmarket
Author: Adam SmithPublished 4th Feb 2022
Last updated 4th Feb 2022

There's a new lease of life planned for the former Newcastle library building after councillors give the green light to bring it back into use.

The original building at the site, located on Ironmarket, was the town’s grand municipal hall. It was completed in 1890 to commemorate the Golden Jubilee of Queen Victoria.

In the 1970s it was replaced with a department store, and later housed the library until it moved to Castle House, which is just opposite.

The building has since remained vacant ever since, and officers at the council had backed the scheme before it was voted on by councillors.

Now, Drayton Beaumont Group Ltd will convert it into apartments, with commercial space on the ground floor.

The firm bought the building in late 2020, and have previously converted other buildings in the area, including the former Newcastle police station.

Speaking on behalf of the developer, Michael Askew said: “The applicant has a track record of delivering high quality developments across the North Staffordshire region, including the sensitively converted Queens Hotel in Basford to a residential development.”

Officers said the company is projecting a 15% profit margin on the development, which is lower than the 20% profit margin usually sought by developers.

It said this was to ensure it was financially viable, and requested for the plans to avoid an additional requirement providing affordable housing, which it said would make the scheme unviable.

Officers sought independent advice to confirm this, and councillors went on to accept the request as part of the application.

An officers’ report on the proposals said: “The redevelopment of this prominent town centre site is a sustainable form of development supported by the National Planning Policy Framework.

The building in Ironmarket has remained unused for years

“The design, scale and appearance of the proposed development would protect and enhance, and as such does not harm, the character and appearance of the Conservation Area or the setting of the nearby Listed Building.

“Planning conditions will secure the acceptable appearance of the building, acceptable car parking, security measures and protect the living conditions of future occupiers.

“It is also accepted, following the obtaining of independent financial advice, that the scheme is not viable if policy compliant affordable housing and financial contributions towards public open space are public realm are required.”

Councillors were in agreement that it would be a positive use of the space for the building to be occupied again.

Cllr Williams: “It’s a vibrant area of the town centre, at night time and in the daytime – daytime because of the library, and takeaways and restaurants in the vicinity.”

There was also praise for the plan to include electric charging within an underground car park, and for there to be wiring installed to allow for easy future adaptation.

The approval will permit the partial demolition, extension and change of use of the building to offer 36 apartments, underground car parking, and ground floor commercial units.

The underground car park will be accessed via Merrial Street.

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