'He made you believe you had done something wrong' - Barry Bennell abuse survivor speaks

David Lean was targeted by the disgraced ex-coach when he was 12 years old

Published 16th Feb 2018

One of the victims of serial paedophile Barry Bennell has spoken out, as the disgraced ex-football coach is found guilty of 43 counts of indecent abuse of children.

David Lean was an aspiring footballer who said Bennell had been his 'hero', who had 'charmed' his entire family.

He was invited by Bennell to attend a football training camp in 1980. The coach offered to let David stay in his home for the weekend.

His parents dropped him off, and from the moment the door was closed Bennell began 'touching' him.

"It wasn't sexual at first, but he'd do anything to be close to me. Rubbing his bristle against my cheek, whipping me with tea towels, tickling me."

Both nights he was in the house, Bennell got into his bed and assaulted him.

"He made you believe you'd done something wrong. He came to my house afterwards and said to me...my mum was downstairs, she'd told me to take him up to my room to show him all my trophies. He said 'don't worry, I won't let your mum what you did to me'."

David first reported the abuse in 2013, nearly 33 years after it had happened.

"I made the decision not to speak until after my mum had died. I couldn't do that to her. She was diagnosed with terminal cancer and passed away in the January of 2013. On February 4th that year, I walked into Macclesfield Police Station and reported him."

Bennell was sentenced to two years in prison for David's abuse, but only served 12 months.

Lean believes serial paedophiles, like Bennell, should not be given lenient sentences.

He told us the only acceptable sentence for the 43 counts would be life imprisonment.

Now charities are coming forward to make sure other sexual abuse survivors know there's help out there.

Duncan Craig is the Chief Executive of Survivors Manchester.

They work with men who have experienced sexual abuse.

“We need to really recognise how important this case is. Obviously it’s hugely important for the men that Bennell has abused and then affected by this particular case- but it’s huge for the country.

“So within our service we saw a 300% increase in people stepping forward asking for help.

“It paved the way for other men to step forward in a way that we’ve never experienced before.

“For me as a worker, for me as a leader in this field, but for me as a male survivor myself, I know the struggle it takes to say something out loud.

“Speaking to a couple of the people who use our service and have been directly and indirectly affected by this particular case in terms of sexual abuse within sport, may be one of the last taboo subjects for us to break.”

“Speaking out doesn’t have to involve going to the police. Speaking out involves somebody sharing a burden that they’re carrying.

“Just know whenever you’re ready we’re here to listen.

“Breaking the silence is the major first step in healing."

Now, Man City say they want to hear from any survivors who experienced abuse linked to the club.

Here's a statement from them:

"The Review Team has engaged closely and transparently with police investigators and the football authorities throughout the past 15 months. A considerable volume of work has taken place and support workers have been made available for all potentially vulnerable individuals that have been spoken to.

"Manchester City FC is extremely grateful to all those who have participated in the review so far.

"Whilst Manchester City FC is restricted as to what it can make public at present, the Club can confirm that to date, the Review Team has identified serious allegations of child sex abuse in respect of two identifiable individuals with potential historic connections to Manchester City. One of these individuals is Barry Bennell.

"The second identified individual – John Broome - is deceased and is not believed to be linked to Bennell. Investigations into Mr Broome and his alleged offences continue.

"In addition to these individuals, the team continues to exhaustively examine a number of reports of historic anomalous behaviours, no matter the level of gravity and strength of potential connection to Manchester City, over a period spanning more than 50 years.

"The Club is, at present, unable to name or give specific detail surrounding any such reports due to ongoing legal investigation but again, remains in regular dialogue with the FA Review Team and the Police.

"The Club remains fully focused on completing its review to the highest standard possible.

"It is expected that further information which will assist in the completion of the Review will become available as related legal proceedings conclude, after which a more comprehensive public position can and will be set out.

"Manchester City and the Review Team remain keen to speak to any survivor of, or witness to sexual abuse which might in any way be connected to Manchester City or which could support the ongoing enquiry. Anyone wishing to contact the Club with such information can do so by contacting safeatcity@cityfootball.com.

"All such approaches will be treated with the utmost sensitivity and discretion."