Chorley teenage grooming victim speaks out about online dangers

Kyran Peet was just 13 when he was groomed on Facebook by someone he didn't know

Published 17th Mar 2017

A teenager from Chorley who was groomed on Facebook when he was just 13-years-old is speaking out to warn others about letting your guard down online.

His abuser has since been jailed.

Kyran Peet didn't realise the man he was talking to was almost twice his age.

Now aged 19, Kyran is speaking out about his experience to warn others about the dangers of social media.

Kyran has been sharing his story ahead of National CSE Awareness Day on Saturday 18th March 2017.

Having survived the trauma, life is looking up for Kyran, who has since become an ambassador for The Children’s Society - he praises the charity's support services for helping him get through the ordeal.

Stella Stansfield is the Area Manager for Lancashire for the Children's Society - they have launched a campaign urging more support for those who are 16 and 17 who are sexually exploited:

Kyran is aiming to give something back to the charity which supported him through his ordeal – by trekking through the Brazilian jungle.

He's one of 28 young people who are taking part in the two week trek on behalf of The Children’s Society

To support Kyran visit