Chorley man jailed for 20 years for sexually abusing two young girls

Indecent images of children were also found on Damon Townsend's phone

Author: Louisa KingPublished 4th Oct 2022
Last updated 4th Oct 2022

A depraved sexual predator who abused two children has been given a sentence totalling 20 years.

Damon Townsend, 35, raped his first victim when she was under the age of 10. That victim said she is now scared to be around boys and men.

Townsend sexually assaulted his second victim when she was also under the age of 10 and told her to keep it a secret and not to tell her parents what he had done.

While those offences were being investigated information came to light that Townsend might have pornographic images on his phone.

Townsend’s phone was seized and an examination discovered the device contained a number of indecent images of children and other prohibited images.

Townsend was subsequently charged with a number of sexual offences and remanded into custody.

Townsend, now of no fixed address but formerly of Cornflower Close, Chorley, pleaded guilty to possessing indecent images of children, however denied any offences relating to the victims of his sexual abuse.

Following a trial at Preston Crown Court, Townsend was found guilty of raping a child under 13 and indecently assaulting a child under 13.

He was deemed to be a dangerous offender and given an immediate custodial sentence of 16 years with a further four years extended licence.

Townsend will have to go before the Parole Board who will assess whether he remains a risk to the public. It will only be after that assessment that Townsend could be released.

He was also ordered to sign the Sex Offenders Register for life and was made subject of an indefinite Sexual Harm Prevention Order.

DC Louise Dutton, of South CID, said: “Townsend is a manipulative individual with an abhorrent and warped sexual interest in children. Not only did he target his victims because of their vulnerability, he also forced them to re-live their harrowing ordeals by taking the case to trial.

“I am glad this dangerous sexual predator has now been given a substantial custodial sentence. The associated court orders will also mean Townsend will be monitored by the authorities once he is eventually released from the custodial element of his sentence.

“I want to place on record my admiration at the bravery displayed by both victims during the criminal justice process and beyond. I know these offences have understandably had a significant and ongoing impact on them and I hope they can take some comfort in knowing that their abuser will be behind bars for some time.

“I hope the outcome of this case will encourage other victims of sexual abuse to come forward, knowing that they will be believed and we will do everything in our power to put the perpetrators before the courts.”

If you or somebody you know has been the victim of a sexual offence, contact us online via or call 101. In an emergency or if a crime is in progress always call 999.