Child poverty rates skyrocket across Lancashire

Blackburn has been named as one of the worst areas in the country

Published 15th May 2019

Blackburn has been named as one of the worst areas in the country for cild poverty.

Nearly half of children living there are surviving below the breadline.

It equates to around 20,000 kids.

In Preston and Blackpool meanwhile, over two thirds of families are in poverty, with charities saying levels here are at the worst they can remember.

Imran Hussain, Director of Policy and Campaigns at Action for Children, said:

“Our frontline services tell us that child poverty levels are at the worst they can remember and for too many families in the North West, living on the breadline means life can be a constant struggle. We see children and their families worn down by the misery of surviving on food banks or being dragged into debt.

“They face impossible choices between paying bills or buying food and the harsh daily reality affects half a million children across the North West of England, swallowing them in a relentless cycle of poverty.

“Cuts to frontline services and family benefits weaken our safety net to protect children across the North West and beyond. The government must put our children first by properly funding benefits and services to support families when they need it most.”

Anna Feuchtwang, Chair of the End Child Poverty coalition, adds:

‘We know what causes child poverty and we know how to end it. We know that the income of less well-off families has been hit by severe real-terms cuts in benefits and by higher housing costs. And we know that work alone does not guarantee a route out of poverty, with two thirds of child poverty occurring in working families.’

‘Yet in many areas growing up in poverty is not the exception it’s the rule with more children expected to get swept up in poverty in the coming years, with serious consequences for their life chances. Policymakers can no longer deny the depth of the problem or abandon entire areas to rising poverty. The Government must respond with a credible child poverty-reduction strategy.

‘The Government’s own data shows that child poverty in the UK has been rising steadily in recent years. This just isn’t right.’

‘Growing up in poverty means growing up trapped. It restricts a child’s chances of doing well at school, of living a healthy and happy life, and of finding well paid work as adults. We urgently need Government to set a course of action that will free our children from the grip of poverty.’