Mother of murdered Blackpool nurse calls for more action to tackle cyber stalking

The mum of a Blackpool nurse who was murdered by her ex-partner says not enough is being done to tackle cyber-stalking.

Published 12th Apr 2016

The mum of a Blackpool nurse who was murdered by her ex-partner says not enough is being done to tackle cyber-stalking.

Penny Clough's daughter Jane was stalked both in person and on social media by her ex-partner before he murdered her in 2010.

New figures out today have revealed that a third of stalking victims are now targeted online rather than being followed in person.

There's also a growing number of people being cyber stalked between the ages of 18 and 34.

Penny is campaigning for tighter regulations and says that most people don't realise they're being cyber stalked.

A poll of over 4,000 people found nearly one in five British women (18.1%) and one in 12 men (7.7%) have suffered repeated and unwanted contact or intrusive behaviour which causes them fear or distress.

Among those, 36.8% were stalked using online methods, research commissioned by the Suzy Lamplugh Trust showed.

The charity said survey respondents who suggested they had been cyber-stalked'' indicated a range of social media and web platforms were used by stalkers including email, Facebook, Twitter, dating websites and apps, WhatsApp, Pinterest, Instagram, Tumblr, Flickr and Snapchat.

Victims are being driven to disconnect from the internet by their tormentors, with the survey showing that more than a fifth (22%) of all those who had been stalked have withdrawn from some form of online activity or social media.

Experts said the findings highlight how cyber space has given perpetrators a new weapon in their armoury.

Forensic psychiatrist Dr David James, who worked on the study, said: New methods of communication mean stalking online is something you can never get away from.

In effect, you carry the stalker 'in your pocket' in the form of any mobile phone. This can be especially traumatising for victims.''

Rachel Griffin, director of the Suzy Lamplugh Trust, said: It is incredibly important that we are aware that victims of stalking can be harassed and abused both when they are going about their daily lives and when they are online.''

Last year the Government set out proposals for new protection orders for victims of stranger stalking'' amid fears the internet is fuelling an increase in cases.

Twitter declined to comment. Under the microblogging site's rules, accounts responsible for harassment of others can be temporarily locked or permanently suspended.