Lancashire anti-fracking petition handed in to Downing Street

A petition with almost 200 thousand signatures on it is being handed in to Downing Street today, as campaigners turn up the pressure on the government to say no to fracking.

Published 14th Jun 2016

A petition with almost 200 thousand signatures on it is being handed in to Downing Street today, as campaigners turn up the pressure on the government to say no to fracking.

A final decision on whether energy company Cuadrilla will be allowed to drill for shale gas at two sites near Blackpool is expected this summer.

Campaigners from Lancashire have today been joined by Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth to deliver an almost 200 thousand-strong petition calling on the Government to to reject fracking.

Local campaigning groups Frack Free Lancashire, Preston New Road Action Group and Roseacre Awareness Group were joined by Lancaster and Fleetwood MP Cat Smith, who says fracking has no “democratic mandate” in Lancashire.

This comes after Lancashire County Council made the decision to reject planning permission for Fracking at an inquiry last year.

In a joint statement, campaigners Hannah Martin of Greenpeace and Rose Dickinson of Friends of the Earth, said:

“We are here today on behalf of more than 150,000 people who have stepped up to defend Lancashire’s democratically-made decision to say ‘no’ to fracking. We are asking David Cameron and Greg Clark to stand by their commitment to local democracy, by respecting the decision of Lancashire County Council – a decision supported by local residents, businesses and councillors. Fracking poses risks to people and the environment, and politicians in Westminster shouldn’t force this risky technology on any community.”

Mark Menzies, MP for Fylde, has said: “I believe the previous decision by Lancashire County Council to turn down these applications was made by councillors in strict adherence to planning law and should be upheld.”

Cat Smith, MP for Lancaster and Fleetwood, said: “Fracking is not the answer to the question of climate change and how we meet that challenge, nor does it have a democratic mandate in Lancashire. When I have been asking questions in Parliament in the past few weeks about the risk to jobs in tourism, no one has any answers to that either. I’m proud to stand up for my constituents, their jobs and our planet by joining Greenpeace and Friends of the Earth handing in this petition.”

Pat Davies, of Preston New Road Action Group, said: “We are asking Mr Clarke and Mr Cameron to recognise our democratic right to have the decision to reject fracking at this site made by Lancashire County Council upheld. As residents, we have followed due planning process and our community has made it clear there is no social licence to proceed here.”

Barbara Martin, of Roseacre Awareness Group, concluded: “Roseacre Awareness Group are humbled by the strength of public feeling and would like to thank the many thousands who took the time to sign this petition. This is not just about fracking and fossil fuel extraction; it is about local democracy and local communities being empowered.”

At the appeal inquiry into Fracking held in Blackpool back in February, dozens of pro-Fracking campaigners also made their voices heard.

Blackpool hotelier Claire Smith is for Fracking - she spoke to Rock FM after the Fracking applications were given the go-ahead in Yorkshire.