Stay safe this Halloween

West Yorkshire Police describe anti-social behaviour at this time of year as a 'seasonal spike'

Author: Hannah NorburyPublished 29th Oct 2021

West Yorkshire Police are urging the public to act responsible this halloween.

In previous years there's been an increase in anti-social behaviour across Halloween and bonfire night.

Chief Supt Daniel Greenwood, who's responsible for the policing operation over the Halloween and bonfire night period, he said:

"We know that demand increases during this time, we see season spikes of anti-social behaviour and ultimately they come on top of the busy day jobs of a force like West Yorkshire, so we do have plans to increase visibility throughout this period, primarily in our neighbourhood teams.

"We'll also have additional staff working, who can compliment them, and can support events taking place. We're working with community groups, and faith groups and most importantly with members of the public.

"We know that some individuals will seek to use this time for criminal purposes, trying to scare people, attacking firefighters, attacking police, my request is please, be sensible.

"We're there to stop people who are intend on causing anti-social behaviour, my message to those people is clear, we will deal with you, we will take every opportunity to prosecute you, either on the night or on the days following, because it is just not acceptable."

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