West Yorkshire nightclub owners urge government to avoid tough winter restrictions

It comes as Boris Johnson announced his winter plans yesterday (14th September)

West Yorkshire's nightclub owners have been reacting to the government's winter plan for Covid-19.
Author: Hannah NorburyPublished 15th Sep 2021
Last updated 15th Sep 2021

Nightclub owners in West Yorkshire say it's really important they DO stay open during the winter months.

Earlier this week the government did a U-turn on Covid passports, but many are reluctant that they could do another U-turn.

Simon Jackson from Acapulco Nightclub in Halifax said:

"There's always a chance the government might do a U-turn on this, and I suppose that's why most managers of nightclubs and theatre's are watching the news weekly, just to watch for updates.

"I think it's been a very tough time, but hopefully with the Christmas period coming up, it will give them the chance to take a little bit of money and hopefully get them through the tougher times that might be ahead for the rest of the winter."

Boris Johnson has stressed that he could not “rule out completely” the possibility of imposing mandatory vaccine passports.

The Prime Minister has been giving a press conference from Downing Street about the Covid Winter plan which was announced earlier today by Health Secretary Sajid Javid.

Mr Javid said a surge in Covid-19 cases this winter could see people in England ordered to wear face masks and show passes to prove their vaccination status.

The Health Secretary said the measures are part of a “Plan B” if efforts to control the spread of coronavirus – including a massive booster vaccination programme – are not effective.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson told the press conference that vaccine passports cannot be ruled out, but they won't be brought in now: “We do not see the need now to proceed, for instance, with mandatory certification.

“It’s just not sensible to rule out completely this kind of option now when we must face the fact that it might still make the difference between keeping business open at full capacity or not.”

Higher levels of daily cases than this time last year

Boris Johnson has warned that higher levels of coronavirus cases mean that “in one way our position today is actually more challenging” than last September.

The Prime Minister told the Downing Street press conference: “I want you to cast your mind back exactly a year and think where we were last September as schools went back and the colder months approached.

“Because in one way our position today is actually more challenging – we have higher levels of daily cases, thousands more, but in many other crucial respects the British people, all of us collectively and individually, are incomparably better-placed to fight the disease.”

He cited high levels of people being vaccinated as bringing greater protection but warned those who are not vaccinated are up to nine times more likely to die, depending on their age, than if they have had both jabs.

Covid-19 as we approach winter

Professor Chris Whitty said: “We’re entering the autumn and winter period at a much higher level in terms of the number of cases, in terms of number of hospitalisations, in terms of number of deaths than we were this time last year.”

He said people do not need a medical degree to know that autumn and winter is a time when respiratory viruses, such as flu and others, are “hugely advantaged”.

He added: “If you’ve not had your vaccination, now is a very good time to do so.”

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