The Empire Film Podcast

Review Of 2019 Special

Episode Description

2019. What a year that was, eh? It was the year when Avengers: Endgame became the biggest film of all time. It was the year when Martin Scorsese returned with a bang with The Irishman, and put the cat amongst the pigeons with his comments on Marvel. It was the year when Star Wars ended... for now. It was the year of indie triumphs, glorious documentaries, killer clowns, overseas triumphs, and much, much more. And it was the year when Team Empire crammed themselves into the podbooth to talk about it all. So, join Chris Hewitt, Helen O'Hara, Ben Travis, James Dyer and —all the way from LA — James White aka Jaime Blanco for a bumper-sized edition in which they talk about their favourite and least favourite movies, moments, and general film-related things of the year. And if you're worried that they might talk about that film — you know the one — a bit too much, steps have been taken to ensure that won't be the case. Oh, and they finally do talk about the Portals scene. Enjoy. And Happy New Year to all our lis

This episode is from The Empire Film Podcast

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