Zeppelin Clash With Press In New York

Robert Plant calls a journo a "Schmuck" at press conference

Published 10th Oct 2012

At a New York press conference to launch the band's new live film, Celebration Day, the inevitable "future reunion" question was asked and Robert Plant, who had apparently been a little uncomfortable for the duration of the event, said "I mean, we've been thinking about all sorts of things," Plant said. "And then we can't remember what we were thinking of. Schmuck."

Shortly afterwards a journalist told the band "I don't know if it's going to quench the thirst of those who wished to see you in the flesh." No one responded until Plant said simply: "Sorry!"

Plant later explained the band's current position on any future reunion, saying "We were so happy we were getting it right and taking it beyond what we thought we were about that night," he said of the O2 gig. "There were moments where we took off ... But the responsibility of doing that four nights a week for the rest of time is a different thing. We're pretty good at what we do but the tail should never wag the dog, really. If we're capable of doing something, in our own time, that will be what will happen. So any inane questions from people who are from syndicated outlets, you should just really think about what it takes to answer a question like that in one second. We know what we've got, you know."

Here's a few highlights from the press conference.