Waters: Gilmour Stopped Floyd Reunion

Bassist reveals he wanted to do more in 2005

Roger Waters has revealed that David Gilmour was the reason that Pink Floyd didn’t do anything else together following Live 8.

Waters revealed that he would have been willing to do more "Pink Floyd” in 2005 when he reunited with Gilmour, Mason and Wright for a short but triumphant reunion show at Live 8 in London. However, the reunion would only last for that night.

"David is completely uninterested," Waters told the Associated Press. "After Live 8, I could have probably gone for doing some more stuff, but he's not interested so it is what it is.”

Waters is now planning a huge world tour in support of The Wall – with a long North American tour already scheduled for late 2010 and a European tour in the offing in 2011.

He also has plans to turn The Wall into a stage musical, with the project moving closer to a reality each day.

"I'm touching wood but we think we've finally found a director who we want to work with, so that's another project that's in the pipeline. We're on the fourth or fifth version of the book.

"My one disappointment with the original rock'n'roll show that we did, and to some extent with the movie as well, there weren't many laughs in it," Waters said. "Humour is a very important part of my life, so part of the reason for wanting to do a production on Broadway is to express the funny side of the characters."

And it seems that it’s not all about looking to the past for Waters, as we may see a brand new solo album (his first in 18 years) at some point in the not too distant future.

"I have a ton of songs," he said. "Some of them are recorded, and some of them are half-recorded, and I keep promising myself that I'm gonna find a collaborator and put them together in some kind of coherent form ... It's strange how time keeps clicking away. And each page turns faster then the last, in my experience."
