Warrior On The Edge Of Time Gets Re-Release

Classic Hawkwind album to be reissued in May 2013.

Published 14th Feb 2013

Crafted from the original stereo tapes, Warrior On the edge of Time by Hawkwind will be re-released in a remastered edition later this year. 

Atomhenge label manager Mark Powell stated that  "contrary to popular myth, the master tapes of this classic album were never lost. They remained in the United Artists vaults. The Atomhenge reissue will be the first ever CD edition to be taken from the original first generation master tapes. All previous editions have been taken from vinyl transfers or inferior copy master tapes."

Aside from a single disc remastered edition, there will be two other expanded editions of the album. 

"'Warrior' is one of THE classic albums of the 1970s and is a land-mark album in Hawkwind’s history. The forthcoming reissues will do justice this magnificent record" added Powell. 

Full details of the editions will be announced in the coming weeks.