Tyler Could Sue To Stop Aerosmith Tour

This one is threatening to turn ugly

The saga of the Aerosmith singer search is in danger of turning ugly after it emerged that Steven Tyler will sue the band if they go out on tour without him.

Billboard Magazine has acquired a letter that was sent by Tyler’s lawyer Skip Miller to Aerosmith manager Howard Kaufman last week and amongst other things it requests that the band stop planning a future without Tyler immediately.

The letter requests that the band "immediately cease and desist from engaging in acts and conduct to the harm and detriment of your own client, Aerosmith, and our client who is one of its members." Miller also told Billboard.com that on behalf of Tyler he's called a meeting of Aerosmith's "shareholders" on Feb. 9 to discuss the band's future, including recording a new album and touring this year of Europe and South America. The four-page letter also states that "we reserve all of our legal rights and remedies in this matter, including, without limitation, pursuing legal action for damages and other appropriate relief."

"Steven Tyler does not want lawsuits," said Miller. "We do not want to go in that direction. The direction we want is Aerosmith, with Steven Tyler, touring in Europe, touring Latin America, releasing a new album...This is the direction it's all intended to go. It's just amazing to me current management would be taking any other position."

And referring to Tyler’s 22 December letter that revealed that he wanted to be a part of the future of the band, Miller said that the frontman "confirms his desire to be a part of Aerosmith" and accuses Kaufman of "playing band members off against one another instead of seeking to solidify their relationships and unify them for the overall good of the band...Contrary to all common sense, you are seeing to bring about the replacement of Steven Tyler. Aerosmith without Steven Tyler is like the Rolling Stones without Mick Jagger, or U2 without Bono. While this management strategy may get the band on the road a few months sooner, it ultimately could destroy Aerosmith."

The letter reveals that Tyler is also currently working on new songs, while he thinks he will be ready to tour later this year and not in a year and a half as some reports have suggested.

You can read more about the letter at the link below:

