Tyler & Perry "Smoke A Peace Pipe"

Looks like all is well in the Aerosmith camp

Published 8th Mar 2011

After nearly two years of rumour and strife in the Aerosmith camp, it seems that all is now calm after Tyler & Perry seemingly buried the hatchett and started planning the band's next album.

In a post on his Twitter page Tyler revealed:

"AeroFreaks rejoice... Joe and I sent smoke signals, shot the shit and chewed the fat for the last year, but just smoked the peace pipe for an hour today. On our way to rockin' your fkin worlds this summer by locking ourselves away somewhere w/guitars and drums..."

The news comes after 80% of Aerosmith (minus Perry) holed up in a studio for eight days in late January.

In other Steven Tyler news, his autobiography 'Does The Noise In My Head Bother You' is set to be published on 12 May in the US.