Them Crooked Vultures Issue Second Album Update

John Paul Jones says new record will be finished next year

John Paul Jones has revealed that Them Crooked Vultures WILL record a second album, but it will take roughly a year before the members can all get together in a studio again.

In an interview with the BBC Jones revealed that the band will reconvene after the Foo Fighters and Queens Of The Stone Age have finished touring next year. They will finish recording material that they had already written for the first album but never managed to lay down.

"Some stuff we've worked on, but we're gonna write pretty quickly and just put it down," he said. "We may be a year or so."

Jones also revealed that he may turn up at one of the Foo Fighters’ Milton Keynes gigs next summer, saying "I might gatecrash one of their gigs I think... If Crooked Vultures bandmate Dave Grohl asks!"

Jones, of course, turned up with Zeppelin bandmate Jimmy Page at the Foo Fighters’ last UK gig at Wembley Stadium in 2008 to play a couple of songs.