The Cult Announce New Single / EP

New song to be released on Sunday

The Cult will release a brand new single on 1 August ahead of a brand new "EP” in the Autumn.

The song, ‘Everyman And Woman Is A Star’, is released via iTunes on Sunday to coincide with the band’s appearance at Sonisphere. It will be one of the songs featured on the band’s forthcoming EP, MMX Capsule 1, which is due to be released in the next couple of months.

The release will be the first since Ian Astbury claimed at this point last year that the album, as a format, was dead. The Cult are due to release a series of EPs (although they won’t call them EPs, they’ll be called Capsules) over the next year or so. These releases will contain a few new songs and some film footage.

Astbury explained the Capsule concept to The Aquarian Weekly Online last September.

"People want to be spoon-fed. You know, a minute-twenty seconds of ‘Man Decapitated By Donkey’ or fucking whatever it is. Nonsense. We’re just a society for spectacle, you know? Some people have the strength to turn away from that and create their own reality. I guess the idea of film is just totally natural for me, anyway. Again, don’t make albums, make films, and then create the soundtrack to go with that film and do it fresh, while it’s happening. For example, writing songs, writing capsules (you can’t really call it an EP because EP means Elongated Play which is a vinyl reference), call it capsule collections. In fashion they talk about capsule collections whereby it’s like a little consolidated collection dropped for a limited time, then it disappears. I guess that’s more like the philosophy for the model I’m interested in, capsule collections for music and short film with two or three songs dropped, small, with more releases but shorter and more packages. Instead of releasing the whole meal, it’s released in bite-sized chunks".