Steven Adler's rehab statement

The drummer sends a message to fans about his progress.

Published 7th May 2013

Having booked himself into an undisclosed rehabilitation centre to tackle his alcoholic demons, Adler has now released the following statement from within:

I picked up a bottle and drank. This occurred a few times and that is a few times too many. I knew that this had to permanently stop. That is the moment I picked up the phone, before it got out of hand, to get help. I had kicked hard drugs several years ago and now it is time to get rid of the urges of drinking alcohol.

I am at a great facility and will stay here until I am comfortable to be home to work the program on my own. I love you all for understanding, being patient and supporting my decision. Like my peers, I will beat this too, so I can return to music and beat my drums!

Adler, the former Guns N' Roses drummer's band, announced the postponement of their summer tour last week due to Steven's condition.

The band's frontman Jacob Bunton stated that they "hope to make it up to everyone when Steven recovers", but emphasised that Steven's health was their first concern.
