Statue For John Bonham

Campaign launched to raise funds for a statue.

Published 5th Aug 2013

A campaign has been launched to raise funds for a statue of the late Led Zeppelindrummer John Bonham in his hometown of Redditch.

The Redditch Standard reports The John Bonham Memorial Fund will aim to collect as much money as possible to have a statue or sculpture erected in honour of Bonham.

It is hoped space will be found within the town centre for the statue, with the bandstand area previously mooted.

The fund has been set-up by Sam and Clem Dallaway, who run Rocktave Music Teaching Studios, Ros Sidaway of Vintage Trax and Alistair Hayward-Wright of chartered accountants Hayward Wright Ltd.

The group say not only would a permanent tribute to the town's most famous son be a fitting memorial but it would also provide a boost to the economy and provide a visitor attraction for Led Zeppelin and music fans worldwide.

The fund will be officially launched in the Autumn when an online donation page will also go live to allow fans across the globe to contribute.

The project is being supported by Redditch Town Centre Partnership and Redditch Borough Council's arts and leisure service as well as the Bonham family.

Bonham died September 25, 1980 of a pulmonary oedema brought on by inhaling his own vomit after drinking forty shots of vodka; he was 32.