Springsteen Could Be The Actual Boss

Bruce beats politicians in a hypothetical poll for New Jersey governor

Published 22nd Jul 2011

Rolling Stone reports that a poll conducted by Public Policy Polling reveals that if New Jersey's Republican governor Chris Christie faced off against Bruce Springsteen in a hypothetical political race, they would start out tied at 42 percent of the vote each. In the same poll, Springsteen ranked higher in terms of favorability, with 50 percent of all polled voicing approval of the legendary songwriter.

Springsteen is unlikely to ever stand for governor in reality but he has had a couple of run-ins with Christie in real life, most recently when he sent an open letter to the Asbury Park Press criticising cuts to "the state's general assistance program" and a reduction in the "services to those in the most dire conditions".

Christie, meanwhile, is a big Springsteen fan and had an E Street tribute act play at his inauguration.

(Rolling Stone)