Sebastian Bach Reunites With Skid Row Bandmate

Bach posts a picture with Dave Sabo, leading to speculation that a reunion in on the offing

Published 17th Oct 2012

Bach and Sabo were pictured together for the first time in nearly two decades as rumours about a Skid Row reunion mount up.

Bach revealed earlier this year that Skid Row almost reunited for the ill-fated UK Sonisphere but he said that Sabo did not want to do it. Recently the current frontman of the band, Johnny Solinger, said that Bach made that statement to get "a little attention" and that no one wanted him back in the band.

However, Bach has now taken to Facebook to post a photo of himself and Sabo with a mildly cryptic note to accompany it.

Here it is.. the 1st picture taken of me & Snake Sabo in 16 years. I know there are those of you reading this that have been waiting since 1996 to see this happen. We got to hang out together for the first time in .... well, a long time.

We talked, laughed, & in the end, even hugged.

It was great to see my old friend. 

It was great to talk with Dave about the past.....

And the future :)