Sebastian Bach Loses Home In Storm

Hurricane Irene destroys his family\'s home

Published 30th Aug 2011

The former Skid Row frontman posted details and photos of the damage on his Facebook page after a bridge broke near his New Jersey house and slammed into his garage.

While he no longer lived in the property (it was occupied by his ex-wife and children) a lot of his personal possessions were in the garage, including Skid Row master tapes and other assorted memorabilia.

Here's what he said on Facebook:

"I am numb, in shock, & devastated to report that my home of 21 years, my house featured on MTV Cribs, has been destroyed, condemned, & deemed uninhabitable due to the extreme flooding courtesy of Hurricane Irene.

"In the 2 decades I have lived in this home, there has never been a single drop of water in the basement or anywhere else in the structure. Now Irene has overflowed the reservoir adjacent to my house. The surging waters have snapped the bridge in half next to my house & sent the bridge straight into my garage, knocking the house off of its foundation. The basement that has been dry for over 2 decades is now overflowing with water & I am not even allowed to start pumping the water out due to fears of electrocution. Original Skid Row & KISS fans, I have bad news for you . Gone are irreplaceable items, such as my KISS Gargoyles from the 1979 tour. KISS pinball machine. Skid Row master tapes, video & audio, concerts, master tapes from Oh Say Can You Scream etc. Boxes & boxes of one of a kind Skid Row memorabilia, from the first tour to our last, all stuff I collected on the road that no one else had. I had a library in the basement with every single magazine that had Skid Row on the cover. This library took up a big part of the basement. All of this is lost now. We will salvage what we can of course. But how I wish there was a reason to do a box set or something before Hurricane Irene hit. Nobody cared. Now it's too late. Don't know what you got till it's gone, indeed.

"The good news is that all my fathers artwork , including the 16 foot "Slave To The Grind" mural, is all ok. My sons & friends moved all my dads art to the 2nd level of the structure before Irene destroyed our home. My Silver Age Comic Collection is all on the 3rd level, with the David Bierk Archives, which is a completely dry level. But we are not allowed into the house yet to retrieve everything because the foundation has crumbled & the house could conceivably collapse at any second. We are working with the police & fire department to get the electricity turned off so no one gets electrocuted entering the premises. As soon as the power is off we will pump out the basement & salvage what we can. Everything will be put into storage & then it looks like we will level the house :("

(Sebastian Bach on Facebook)