Sabbath Feud A PR Stunt?

Probably not, but that's what former frontman Tony Martin thinks

Published 6th Jul 2012

Classic Rock Magazine reports that in a new interview Martin revealed that he had his suspicions over whether the current feud between Bill Ward and the rest of his bandmates is quite what it is thought to be.

So far Sabbath have played two of three scheduled reunion shows without Ward, and they are due to play a festival headlining slot at Lollapalooza in the US in August, but Martin still believes that the disagreement is suspicious.

"I don’t get it. I really don’t," he said. "I’ve heard all the stories, and not once did anyone ever speak badly of Bill. They’ve never had a bad thing to say about him. They’ve always rated him. He’s had his little moments like we all have, but basically they love him.

"I don’t understand why they didn’t give him time to get his thing together. He may have been out of the band for a long time, but set up some rehearsal or something – go and help him out.

"It seems a bit like a publicity stunt in that they’s saying, ‘Well, we can’t be bothered to go and do any rehearsals to get him to learn all the stuff again, so let’s keep him for another time so we can have another reunion later on.

"A bit like a publicity stunt in that way. But I don’t know – I wasn’t privy to any of the conversations and I haven’t seen the contracts they were talking about. So I can’t say for sure, but I just don’t get it.”

(Classic Rock Magazine)