Rush To Release New Material Pre Tour

Geddy says fans can expect new stuff to coincide with live dates

Rush have revealed that they plan to release new material prior to their forthcoming Time Machine Tour.

Speaking to Rolling Stone Geddy Lee revealed that the band have plans to release new material to coincide with their first live dates eighteen months.

"I'd imagine — because we don't have time to do more than two at the moment — we'll probably release one as soon as it's ready, before the tour starts, and then probably release the second one as the tour starts. But our hope was to really get something down on tape, so we could play these songs live and road test them in a way. We're still kind of throwing titles back in forth, but one is called "Caravan.’”

In the interview Lee describes the new material as "upbeat, hard rocking songs" with a Rush trademark: "typically absurdist arrangements."

Speaking about the new album and the reasons behind touring in the middle of recording, Lee revealed that the band wanted to be in the best possible shape when they really started working.

"Everybody was kind of itching to get on the road and try and get in "peak playing form" before we recorded the bulk of the record, just to see what that effect is. In a way, we have this tendency to take a long period of time off, and then we kind of get our chops together and then go record. We thought it's kind of ass-backwards really, because when you finish a long tour, you're in such amazing playing shape that really, that's the time you should go in and start laying down tracks. But of course, you're exhausted by then, so we're trying to figure out if there's another way of attacking it.

"We thought it would be fun to put together a tour that was sort of "future/past," because those are some of the themes that are floating around the lyrical content and visual content that we're using for these new songs. So we thought, "Let's go out and do this Time Machine tour, where we can go mine our past, and at the same time, point to the future, try some new songs, and get us in shape.”

Rush head out on the road in the US and Canada in June for a three month tour on which they play their 1981 album Moving Pictures in its entirety.

Their new film, Rush: Beyond The Lighted Stage, premieres next week at the Tribeca Film Festival. The poster for the film is what you can see up above.

(Rolling Stone)