Rush Ponder Retirement

The band are thinking about winding down

Published 15th Oct 2012

In a recent interview with Rolling Stone, Neil Peart says that he won't be performing in 10 years as the physicality of his job means that he just won't be able to manage.

"I don't think touring be possible, honestly. What I do is so athletic that I'm glad I've been able to hold onto my peak this long. And like I said before, I dedicate myself all the time to that kind of physical stamina and fitness levels and not to let it go," he tells Rolling Stone.

"The next two years are mapped out pretty well, and that's enough. We usually only plan one year in advance. So that's the other funny thing about longevity, because we watched one year go by and two, three, four, each one one at a time, but we never planned, ever, more than a year in advance. Now we're planning the next two years, so that's more than enough future for anyone to dare to presume."

And Alex Lifeson also hinted towards a quieter life in an interview with Premier Guitar.

"One day, we’re not going to be able to do it anymore,” guitarist Alex Lifeson told Premier Guitar. "That’s a reality, and I don’t think we should get too caught up in it. When it happens it happens, and that’s it. We’ve had a great run, we’ve left a great legacy that we’re proud of, and who knows what’ll come after that?...I don’t want to be 70 years old jumping around onstage. Maybe if we’re still making great music, sure. But I kind of doubt it by that point.”

(Ultimate Classic Rock)