Rush Cancel Show / Get Sued

Torrential rain forces show cancellation in Chicago

Rush cancelled a show in Chicago last week after heavy rain damaged some of their equipment, and now a fan is suing the band as a result.

The band’s show at Chicago’s Charter One Pavilion last Wednesday was cancelled at the last moment after torrential rain managed to short some of the electronic equipment that the band were supposed to use.

Fans were advised that the show would have to be rescheduled for early September, but one fan is now suing the band.

"Lifelong Rush fan” Christopher Langone, 42, flew into Chicago from New York to see the show and he has filed a class action suit against the band, seeking reimbursement for ticket and travel costs.

"I traveled here to Chicago to see the show with old friends," Langone told the Chicago Sun-Times. "I've been a lifelong fan of Rush and we were very disappointed they canceled the show...especially when the rain stopped."

Langone says he purchased six tickets - at a cost of $80 apiece - $250 airfare, and a round of beers he bought at Charter One Pavilion before the concert was called off.

Asked about suing a band he has long enjoyed, Langone acknowledged: "It feels a little strange."...
