Rollins Hands Out Cash To Overcharged Audience

Former Black Flag man personally gives $10 bills to his audience

Published 29th Mar 2011

The incident occurred at a gig in Toronto where Rollins was performing his spoken word set on Thursday night.

Rock News Desk reports that the punk icon told the crowd he'd received a number of complaints about the price of entry, and after investigating the situation, had worked out a computer error was to blame.

He then went into the audience with a bundle of banknotes and handed one to each ticketholder, before going on with his show.

Eyewitness Nicole H reports: "Henry told us a tale of how a few folks had gotten in touch to say, politely, 'Hey, it's awesome you're coming to town, but, oh gosh, the ticket prices are kinda crazy – even with the Ticketmaster fees.'

"Enough people had made contact for him to start ferreting out some information, tracking it back through agents and managers to the point where he discovered that, due to a computer error, the tickets were about $10 more than they should have been.

"So he produced a wad of bills and handed us all one personally. What a bloody champ!"

(Rock News Desk)