Rock Stars Back Anti-Piracy Campaign

Townshend, Daltrey, Plant and May are amongst the signatories of a letter to the PM

Published 26th Jul 2012

In an open letter, printed in the Telegraph, a host of rock stars, musicians and other music business related people have requested that Prime Minister David Cameron implement the measures outline din the Digital Economy Act 2010 and put pressure on search engines to prevent illegal download sites from appearing in user searches.

The letter said

"As the world’s focus turns to Britain, there is an opportunity to stimulate growth in sectors where Britain has a competitive edge. Our creative industries represent one such sector, which creates jobs at twice the speed of the rest of the economy.

"As a digitally advanced nation whose language is spoken around the world, Britain is well-positioned to increase its exports in the digital age.

"We can only realise this potential if we have a strong domestic copyright framework, so that creative industries can earn a fair return on their huge investments creating original content. Illegal activity online must be pushed to the margins. This will benefit consumers, giving confidence they are buying safely online from legal websites.

"The simplest way to ensure this would be to implement the long-overdue measures in the Digital Economy Act 2010; and to ensure broadband providers, search engines and online advertisers play their part in protecting consumers and creators from illegal sites.

"We are proud of our cultural heritage and believe that we, and our sector, can play a much bigger role in supporting British growth. To continue to create world beating creative content, we need a little bit of help from our friends.”