Rare Art Found In Zep Sleeves

Valuable pre-Raphaelite art found in Zep albums belonging to Jimmy Page\'s valet

Four rare sketches by a pre-Raphaelite artist have been found tucked into the sleeve of a Led Zeppelin album owned by Jimmy Page’s former valet, Rick Hobbs.

The four intricate drawings by John Everett Millais were apparently presented to Hobbs by Page some 30+ years ago.

Rick sadly died aged 81 earlier this year, but when his belongings were being sorted after his death the discovery was made.

Friend of the family Sue Cook told SWNS.com: "Tucked inside Rick’s Led Zeppelin LP covers, we found four pencil sketches by Millais, which we believe to be gifts from the band for his devoted service.

”Rick had an extensive record collection and I found the drawings when I was going through them

”I just put them on one side and didn’t think much about them but then I thought they might be important so I took them to have them authenticated.

”Rick was a chauffeur for a London company and met the band when they hired him. They hit it off right from the start and he became Jimmy Page’s right-hand man. He was his valet, PA and chauffeur because Jimmy never learned to drive. Even in his 70s Rick would get a phone call, jump in his car and drive up to London to sort something out for him.”

"Rick always had a clear brain and was highly trusted by the group.

Rick Hobbs was the last person to see John Bonham alive in 1980, having put him to bed the night that he tragically died in his sleep.

The sketches will be sold at Chilcotts auctioneers in Honiton, Devon, on August 14.