Queen's We Are The Champions IS Catchiest Song

The 1977 song is scientifically memorable

Published 4th Oct 2011

In a new study at Goldsmiths University researchers have found that 'We Are The Champions' is more memorable than all other songs (that they tested). 

CMU reports that researchers observed how volunteers reacted when asked to sing along to different songs, and found out that long and detailed musical phrases, multiple pitch changes in the main hook, a male vocalist, and preferably a high pitched male vocalist, all helped make songs catchy.

Goldsmiths music psychologist Dr Daniel Mullensiefen told reporters: "Every musical hit is reliant on maths, science, engineering and technology; from the physics and frequencies of sound that determine pitch and harmony, to the hi-tech digital processors and synthesizers which can add effects to make a song more catchy".

Village People's 'YMCA', Sum 41′s 'Fat Lip', Europe's 'The Final Countdown' and The Automatic's 'Monster' were all found to be very catchy by the researchers.