Pixies Contemplating New Album

Influential alt-rockers may record new record after all

Published 16th Feb 2011

Despite claiming ever since they reunited in 2004 that they would not be recording a new album, the Pixies are reportedly considering putting together some new material.

"We’ve been talking about doing an album for about three years now, actually," drummer David Lovering told Billboard.com. "I don’t know if it will come to fruition; I’m waiting and waiting to see what will happen. All I can say is if there is one, it better be good. We’d really have to work at it."

The band have recorded one new song since the reunion - 2004's 'Bam Thwok' - but have since denied any possibility that they may record anything more.

"We’re waiting for that, like, 'A-ha!' moment. I’m already there. It's just a matter of timing and everything aligning," said guitarist Joey Santiago told Billboard. "I guess there’s a little pressure from the legacy thing. Sure there is. But I don’t think there’s any preconceived thing that anyone could expect us to do. The possibilities are pretty wide open, I’d say."

If they were to record a new album it would be their first since 1991.
