Pink Floyd Deny Olympic Reunion Rumours

David Gilmour won\'t be taking part in any reunon

Published 3rd Jan 2012

Classic Rock Magazine reports that yesterday's London Evening Standard newspaper quotes an unnamed Floyd ‘insider’ as saying:

"It’s long been made clear it would take something very special to get Pink Floyd back together again and it doesn’t get any bigger than the Olympics.

"They have been a major part of the nation’s culture over the past 40 years and it will be very fitting that they’re involved when London is on show to the world. It’s hoped everything can be confirmed in the coming weeks.”

HOWEVER, almost immediately after the story was published David Gilmour's official blog Tweeted: "Happy New Year, everyone. Please ignore the 'Floyd To Reunite For London Olympics?' story. David won't be there. Ta."

(Classic Rock Magazine)