Phil Lewis: Tracii Guns Damages LA Guns Name

One version of LA Guns isn\'t happy with the other

Published 5th Oct 2011

The confusing LA Guns situation (the fact that there are two versions of the band touring and recording at the same time) has always been fraught with tension, with the two band principles Phil Lewis and Tracii Guns never really seeing eye to eye.

And that relationship is unlikely to get any better any time soon after Phil Lewis accused Tracii Guns of damaging the bands' name after Guns recruited a female vocalist for his version of the band.

In a letter to Metal Sludge Lewis said: 

"When you do something for all the wrong reasons its unlikely any good will come from it. It's blinding obvious he couldn't care less about the band or his fans, its merely an end to a means, the best way he can pay his bills, To him it dosn't matter who's singing just as long as he can find a gullible agent promoter or club owner that wants to put LAG up on there marquee for a bargain price then he'll continue to do so. Right now were in UK and Europe doing damage control playing for a fraction of what we get in the US just to restore the bands reputation. We never talk shit about him on stage but were sure getting lots of Fuck Tracii Guns heckles from fans that have had enough. And were aware that in a few months he'll be playing the same venues with a band thats' called but nothing like LA Guns but he's in for a bumpy ride if he thinks he can get away with this scam indefinitely."

"My advice to Tracii is try and find another band, he would be great with Steven Adler he would be perfect in WASP or Quiet riot he's a gifted guitarist and can play anything and would be a major asset for any touring band but his answer would probably be his heart aint in it which is a shame because if he continues like this his heart will inventively get broken. I wish Tracii no harm or evil. Yes he did stab us in the guts when he told us he was leaving the band during the photo shoot for the cover of waking the dead that lost us a world tour with Alice Cooper and shortly after got us dropped from our record deal and his response when we begged him not to leave was 'I don't give a fuck about you or your families' as he looked me in the eye. Water under the bridge now, so long ago, we scrambled, got lots of help from friends and have since released three fine legitimate records that I'm incredibly proud of"

Lewis closes his letter by saying "I wish him luck and would support anything he does other than continue to ruin the bands reputation but given his history of making disastrous decisions, Career suicide appears to be inevitable."

Read the full letter HERE