Original Great White Drummer To Play With Jack Russell's Band

A full live show to be given away

Published 7th Aug 2012

Jack Russell's Great White will play a special show at the Whiskey A Go Go in Hollywood next week. It is the first time that Russell has played at the venue in 30 years and to celebrate the band will be joined by a number of special guests on the night, including original Great White drummer Gary Holland and Twice Shy era bassist Tony Montana. 

The band will be recording the whole show and then giving it away for free via their official website (HERE) later in the year.

Meanwhile, Russell has let rip at his former bandmate Mark Kendall, who still plays in the other Great White, who has suggested that Russell is still drinking.

On Facebook, Russell said: "In an interview he insinuates and/or alleges that I am not sober. Ordinarily I do not let such idiotic comments bother me – but at this point I have had enough. My AA sponsor will verify that I am sober. I will take my one-year cake and coin on August 10.”

He tells Kendall: "Worry about your own sobriety and quit taking pot shots at me while acting like a ‘concerned old friend.’

"Remember you never even called me once while I was in a coma for five days in hospital. To come off now like you are concerned about my welfare is insulting – you are not fooling anyone, certainly not me.

"I wish you would stop ‘wishing me nothing but the best’ after doing your best to throw me under the bus.

"I propose if we don’t have anything good to say about each other, let’s just not say anything at all.”

(Classic Rock Magazine)