Ones To Watch: THEIA

The 20th band to take centre stage in our weekly Ones To Watch feature are Burton upon Trent rock n’ roll livewires THEIA.

Author: Scott ColothanPublished 14th Feb 2018

THEIA are: Kyle Lamley (guitar/lead vocals), Paul Edwards (bass/vocals) and Jake Dalton (drums).

Hailing from England’s beer export capital Burton upon Trent, THEIA serve up a heady... erm… brew of classic rock with a modern twist. Musically a tight-knit unit with an unwavering eye for powerful chugging riffs, ripping bass and pummelling drums, where the trio often truly excel is through their intoxicating and oft hilarious lyrics; from the exhilarating two-fingers-up that is ‘We’re Alive’ to the savage takedown of celebrity obsessed culture that is the brilliantly titled 'Whoop-Dee-F***ing-Doo!', THEIA seem to nail it every time.

Already in their short career, the trio have released two studio albums – ‘Take The Pill’ in September 2015 that served as a showcase for their embryonic talents to their rapturously-received follow-up ‘Back In Line’ in spring 2017 – and they’ve toured relentlessly taking in a mixture of headline, support and festival shows across the UK including Hard Rock Hell X.

Unafraid to tackle hard-hitting issues, last December THEIA premiered the lyric video for ‘Back In Line’ offshoot ‘Just Go’; an emotionally wrought track based around the subject of date rape, the video also uses public testimonies from victims. 100% of proceeds from downloads of the track are split equally between RapeCrisis and RACPA. Watch the video below (Warning: contains mature themes).

Looking forward to the rest of 2018, singer Kyle says: "2018 looks like it is going to be our best year yet.  The launchpad is Planet Rock's Winter's End which will be a milestone gig for us, and we are so excited to be playing there. A new album has been largely written, and we have a string of gigs booked throughout the year with more to follow. We hope to meet lots of people along the way. It's a journey, not a race, and we aim to enjoy every minute and make sure that those who come along have an equally good time."

See THEIA at the following upcoming shows:

Planet Rock presents Winters End - Sun 25th – SOLD OUT

MARCH 2018
Cannock The Station - 18th (w/ Massive Wagons)
Rochdale Empire - 23rd (w/ A Jokers Rage)

APRIL 2018
Stoke The Rigger - 7th
Leeds The Key Club - 20th (w/ Chasing Dragons)
Glasgow Nice n Sleazy - 21st (w/ Chasing Dragons)
South Shields The Queen Vic - 22nd (w/ Chasing Dragons)
Stoke Eleven - 24th (w/ Chasing Dragons)
London The Black Heart - 25th (w/ Chasing Dragons)
Worthing Bar 42 - 26th (w/ Chasing Dragons)
Swansea Creature Sound - 27th (w/ Chasing Dragons)
Cannock The Station - 28th (w/ Chasing Dragons)

MAY 2018
Nottingham NLC Festival - 5th/6th
Derby The Sitwell Tavern - 18th
Wolverhampton DementiaFest - 27th

JUNE 2018
Stoke Hard Rockin' Love Livin' Festival - 16th
Wildfire Festival - 23rd

JULY 2018
Manchester SOS Festival (Acoustic) - 14th

Derby The Flowerpot - 4th Derby (w/ Metal Fatigue)
Wolverhampton Giff-Fest - 26th

Stourbridge Claptrap Venue - 15th 
Cannock The Station - 22nd (w/ Fragile Things/Beth Blade)

London Four Sticks Festival - 7th
Wolverhampton The Giffard Arms - 26th

You can keep up-to-date with all THEIA’s goings on at their official website or on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube.