Ones To Watch: Danny Beardsley

The 58th artist to step into the spotlight in our weekly Ones To Watch feature is prog maestro turned classic rock solo star, Danny Beardsley.

Author: Scott ColothanPublished 17th Jul 2019

As the guitarist of mesmeric instrumental prog trio The Parallax Method over the past five years, Midlands born Danny Beardsley has enjoyed considerable critical acclaim and played major events including Download Festival, Hard Rock Hell and Bloodstock Open Air - where they make their second appearance next month. Having plied his trade in Derbyshire band Isolysis before founding Emperor Chung, for the first time in his 13-year music career Danny Beardsley has made the bold move to step out as a solo artist and will release his debut album ‘Blood From A Stone’ on Friday 20th September.

Danny comments: “This album has been four years in the making and has positioned me right on the edge of my comfort zone, but I feel I have grown from the experience, got some things off my chest and produced an album I am proud of. Becoming a father has taught me a lot in life and made me realise how important it is to be true to oneself and embrace our inner ambitions.”

Played on Wyatt’s New Rock Show this week, sublime lead single ‘This Fool’ is bold statement of intent. Showcasing Danny’s impressive quintessential classic rock voice, it’s a huge-sounding, instantly catchy gem complete with an epic guitar solo and gloriously self-deprecating lyrics – choice lines include "I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed" and the Shakespeare quote from As You Like It, “This fool doth think he is wise / But this wise man knows himself to be a fool.” Excellent stuff.

With live solo shows in the pipeline, make sure you catch Danny Beardsley if you can!  

You can keep up-to-date with Danny Beardsley by visiting his official website, or following him on Facebook and Instagram.