Ones To Watch: Awooga

The 26th band to step into the hallowed Ones To Watch spotlight are Sheffield purveyors of space-tinged rock Awooga.

Author: Scott ColothanPublished 28th Mar 2018

Awooga are: Tam Ali (vocals/bass), Taran Ali (drums) and James Borrowdale (guitar). 

Taking their memorable moniker from an enthusiastic expression used on sci-fi comedy Red Dwarf (and later further popularised by John Fashanu, Kris Akabusi and Dave Lister himself Craig Charles), Awooga are purveyors of colossal, sensory-consuming, space-tinged music that’s imbued with elements of psych, prog and stoner rock and nods towards everyone from Hawkwind to Mastodon and Alice In Chains. Effortlessly flitting between ominous, dirge-y sounds to moments of spine-tingling euphoria, the monumental din the trio make is (the live arena aside) best listened to in a darkened room with headphones on.

The inaugural signing for the Rockosmos imprint, in 2016 Awooga unleashed their debut EP ‘Alpha’, that, across its four voluminous tracks, served as a perfect showcase for the band’s profuse talents and the astonishing soundscapes they concoct. Download it for free here.

Now, with their debut album ‘Conduit’ set for release on Friday 20th April 2018, Awooga are primed to bring their beguiling sounds to the wider audience it deserves. Billed by Rockosmos as a “deep, heavy, tranquil and visceral record”, the first taster of the seven-track album came last month in the shape of the chugging behemoth of a tune that is ‘Waterhole’; a track that Wyatt immediately playlisted on his New Rock Show. Premiered just five days ago, the towering ‘Temporal’ keeps up the ante with aplomb.  

Explaining why transition, change and progression are the fundamental themes of ‘Conduit’, Tam Ali says: “In the exchange between the brain and the mind is the liminal place. This is where we reside. Brutality and Tranquillity. All pass through the Conduit. The process of writing this album was extremely visceral, and direct flow of energy channelled out of the world and into a studio in the Galician mountains.”

Catch Awooga at the following shows:

APRIL 2018
Glasgow O2 ABC 2 – Thu 26th (w/Amplifier) BUY TICKETS

MAY 2018
Bristol Exchange – Sun 27th (w/Amplifier) BUY TICKETS

You can keep up-to-date with Awooga by visiting their official website or follow them on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube.