Nine Inch Nails Not Dead

Trent Reznor reveals that he will be back to the day job soon

Published 8th Mar 2011

Depite picking up an Oscar a couple of weeks ago, recording a new record with his wife, working on a handful of new film soundtracks and retiring his live band a couple of years ago, Trent Reznor has revealed on a fan forum that Nine Inch Nails will be back soon.

"By having a few different outlets for my work I’m finding more inspiration within each one," he wrote in the post titled 'Gold statues, silver bullets, tattoos and the continued destruction of angels.' He added, "No, Nine Inch Nails is not dead and I plan to focus on that next."

Reznor revealed that he was dividing his time into three sections: film compositions, How to Destroy Angels (his music project with wife Mariqueen Maandig) and NIN. First up will be more film work, with a soundtrack for the Girl With The Dragon Tattoo film. "We’ve been composing quite a bit of music for this, and have just begun to see some of what’s been shot," Reznor said. "Trust me when I say this film (and of course the music!) will not disappoint."
