Neil Young Backs New Musical Format

The legendary songwriter says that High Resolution Audio is the future

Published 8th Jun 2011

Young took to his official website to throw his backing behind a new musical format that he believes will usurp MP3 and CD in the coming years.

A post on his website says:

"2012 will be the year that record companies release High Resolution Audio. This is huge for our industry. Since the advent of the CD, listeners have been deprived of the full experience of listening. With the introduction of MP3s via online music services, listeners were further deprived.

"The spirituality and soul of music is truly found when the sound engulfs you and that is just what 2012 will bring. It is a physical thing, a relief that you feel when you finally hear music the way artists and producers did when they created it in the studio. The sound engulfs you and your senses open up allowing you to truly feel the deep emotion in the music of some of our finest artists. From Frank Sinatra to the Black Keys, the feeling is there. This is what recording companies were born to give you and in 2012 they will deliver."

Young has long been an advocate of new ways of releasing music - the first volume of his Archive series was delayed until technology caught up with his vision. In that case it was the technical capabilities of Blu Ray which allowed him to put out the set in the way that he wanted.

(Neil Young)