Neil Peart To Release New Book

Fifth book on the way from Rush drummer

Published 27th Jan 2011

Rush drummer Neil Peart is to release a brand new book in May.

According to Classic Rock Magazine the drummer will release his fifth "travel diary" entitled Far And Away: A Prize Every Time on 1 May. It will be his follow up to 2006's Roadshow: Landscape With Drums, A Concert Tour By Motorcycle.

Here's a bit of blurb from the publisher, ECW Press:

'Following in the tradition of Ghost Rider and Traveling Music, Neil Peart relates nearly four years of band tours, road trips, and personal discoveries in this introspective travelogue. From the ups and downs of a professional artist to the birth of a child, this revealing narrative recounts 22 adventures from rock's foremost drummer, biker enthusiast, husband and father.

'Both playful and insightful, Peart’s love of drumming and the open road weaves throughout the stories as Neil explores horizons that are both physical and spiritual, sharing his observations about nature, society, and the self. Full-colour photos round-out this tour of the open road that will resonate with Rush fans and motorcycle enthusiasts alike.'

(Classic Rock Magazine)