Muse Have Discussed Gigging In Space

Devon three piece want to play a show in orbit

Muse have revealed that they have held serious discussions about playing a gig in space.

Frontman Matt Bellamy tells the Sun "We've had some discussions about playing in space. Sometimes very coherent conversations and sometimes very late at night, but it's for real."

Bellamy explained that although the trio hadn't started any astronaut training quite yet, he had started thinking about ways of going about getting the gig off the ground.

"I'm thinking of approaching Richard Branson to see if we could do it on his Virgin Galactic spacecraft he's got happening," he said. "Although we do have a lot of equipment, so I guess we'd have to use pods to carry our stuff and we'd scale back the shows a lot."

He added: "I do think it will be possible in the future and I'm sure it will happen in my lifetime. We'd love to be part of that."