Motley Crue Kit Destroyed In Storm

Sonisphere Finland nearly blown away in freak weather

Motley Crue’s stage equipment was destroyed in a terrible storm that injured 40 people and almost entirely derailed Finland’s Sonisphere Festival.

The freak five minute storm occurred at 4pm local time yesterday and in that time it nearly knocked over the second stage (which had to be propped up by a crane and was entirely unusable for the remainder of the festival), put paid to most of the acts on the day, destroyed all of Motley Crue’s stage equipment and seriously injured two people.

Iggy Pop played a four song acoustic set with just a guitarist and a saxophonist, while Alice Cooper borrowed a drumkit from Slayer to play his full set on the Main Stage.

Iron Maiden were also able to perform their entire headline set, albeit two hours late and after the stage hands had dried out their equipment with hairdryers.

Bruce said before the set’s finale: "This is one of the most amazing concerts of my whole life. We were pissed on by the gods and we pissed on the gods right back. For those of you that have rocked we fucking salute you.”

Iron Maiden manager Rod Smallwood agreed, saying backstage: "This is the most amazing audience I’ve ever seen in Europe for any Iron Maiden gig ever.”
