Meeting Saved Aerosmith

Tom Hamilton reveals that crisis talks saved future of band

Aerosmith bassist Todd Hamilton has revealed that it was a pseudo-intervention crisis meeting that saved the band.

Speaking to the Boston Herald, Tom Hamilton has revealed that a face-to-face meeting between the band members, their management and their lawyers saved the future of the group as they all got to air their grievances.

"There was a lot of sort of reconciling and processing feelings and stuff. Everyone said how they wanted things to be in the future and it became clear that, for everybody, the coolest thing to do would be to resolve things with the band. The phone was ringing. People wanted to see the band.

"We finally realised, even with all the BS flying around, that there was a beautiful thing right there if we had enough sense to grab it.”

Hamilton revealed that the turning point came when Tyler turned up at a Joe Perry gig in New York and revealed that he wanted the band back together. He checked himself into rehab and spent 90 days there, except for a few days in February when the crisis meeting took place.

Aerosmith have now put their differences aside and have scheduled a few live dates around the world – including a headline slot at the Download Festival in June and a show at the O2 Arena in London a few days later.


The band have also scheduled a huge homecoming show at the legendary Fenway Park stadium on 14 August.